Le Desir En Ballade is perfect and protypical Cadinot.
It is full of rich rural imagery, a variety of sexy ever-hard
French lads, and lots and lots of great sex.
traveller Gilles Barthelemy wanders into a rich country
estate and spirits away the cutest boy on the premises,
Jean Francois Chambon, for a series of sexual adventures
in the surrounding countryside. Chambon, as the rich teenager
with a pedigree in butt fucking, steals the film.
his first scene, he is dressed in tennis whites ready
for a game with his brother. However he sneaks back to
the house for a session with the groundskeeper in the
cellar in which Chambon cums an amazing three times.
highlight is the rape of a young male kitchen worker with
a basket of fresh vegetables. Hints of British-style homoeroticism
eminate from the country house setting. Non-stop action
in one of Cadinots best!
et solitaire, il vagabonde au hasard des chemins. De ferme
en village, de bonnes et de moins bonnes fortunes se présentent:
un garçon de ferme, un fils de famille bourgeoise,
un palefrenier aguichant, un pêcheur déluré
croiseront sa route. Mais rien ni personne ne le retient
et toujours il repart seul.
Non, le fils cadet d'un médecin de campagne, fuyant
un frère incestueux, le suivra dans son périple.
Ils partageront tout, l'amitié, l'aventure, l'apprentissage
de la vie et les garçons de rencontre.